Saving the white rhinos

Heartwarming news: Tilde has now adopted Eric

Heartwarming news: Tilde has now adopted Eric.

Since Beate gave birth to her second calf, her firstborn, Eric, has been on his own. But now, in a heartening turn of events, Tilde has adopted Eric as one of her own together with her other calf, Joanna. It’s been truly fantastic to witness Tilde’s welcoming embrace of Eric into her rhino family.

For several days now, Tilde, Joanna, and Eric have been inseparable companions, exploring the sanctuary together. When we caught them on camera, Joanna and Eric had just come out of a small mud puddle created by the latest rainfall. Stay tuned for more updates as we follow the heartwarming journey of Tilde, Joanna, and Eric – the newest trio adding joy to our sanctuary family

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