Become a partner at the rhino sanctuary Namibia

A network full of passion and love for rhinos

Become part of Rhino Sanctuary Namibia and join our exclusive network. 

A network full of people who share your passion and love for the wildlife and the rhinos. And as a partner of Rhino Sanctuary Namibia, you get to enjoy several benefits besides joining our exclusive network:

– You get to have and name your own rhino for 10 years.
– The opportunity to visit the sanctuary and meet your rhino with one person of your choice.
– A vouchers to wild experiences during your stay – The Bushman walk, Rhino Tracking, Game viewing, Mountain bike Trail etc.

But most importantly, you get to make an impact that will resonate for decades.

Read more about the network here.

Recent blog posts

Morning feast like no other, with fresh, locally sourced ingredients and the company of our magnificent rhinos and other wildlife.

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Rise and shine at Rhino Sanctuary Namibia. Imagine starting your day surrounded by the sights and sounds of the Namibian...

Rhino Sanctuary Lodge, where luxury meets the wild

Welcome to Rhino Sanctuary Lodge, where luxury meets the wild

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Make an impact that resonates for decades